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There are people who claim to be Jews, but are not Jews, and c | Galaxy Verge

There are people who claim to be Jews, but are not Jews, and claim to be Christians, but are not Christians. (See Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.) They are actually spiritually of their father Satan. So they do what Satan does: lie and murder and thieve to steal, kill, and destroy.

Satanism is the doctrine that the Holy Bible is false until impossibly proven true. Satan is not interested in truth and does not want truth. But if people simply listen to Jesus Christ, whose words are documented in the Holy Bible, then people know the truth and are set free by Jesus Christ. God frees men. Sin enslaves men; "whoever sins is a slave to sin." Satanism is slavery, which destroys men's lives, and prevents men from ascending to godship. (See Psalm 82.) The Satanic practice of skepticism foolishly casts doubt on truth in order to hinder and disable men, and subvert God's Kingdom of Heaven. (Jesus Christ said, "And also, why don't you determine for yourselves what is equitable?") Jesus Christ already led Justice to Victory and God drove Satan and evil spirits out of the world. (See John 12:31.) It is long overdue for mankind to begin trusting God and Jesus Christ, because you can read in Genesis how the world was very pleasant at its beginning as a haven for life, until Satan deceived Eve and Adam into distrustful sin against God, and the world has now become increasingly unpleasant because of Satanists continuing Satan's work of destroying the world and destroying everyone in the world. Now is always an excellent opportunity for listening to God and Jesus Christ who created the world and everything and everyone. Satan wants to hurt people as much as possible. Satanism maliciously deceives with folly and arrogance by teaching man to believe-in (exalt) himself and man, and Satanism teaches man to ignore and hate God. Man needs God; man needs God's Presence (Immanuel); and God exalts man by discipline, refinement, truth, compassion, mercy, justice, righteousness, and love, giving man power by faith in God's promises, and privately gives man holy and divine and supreme information, guidance, and comfort. "God disciplines those he loves, like a father disciplines the child in whom he delights."

The God of Life is merciful and good and patient towards men, and will give final judgment; God did not avenge Cain's murder of Abel by killing Cain. God also did not kill Satan. Satan was exiled out of Heaven, and Cain was exiled out of society; division is useful to discipline, but does man will to obey God's command to love one another like God loved man? God wants man to be safely under God's wing, protected from evil Satan who destroys, steals, and kills everything and everyone because Satan hates the only true God who created everything and everyone. Satanists claim to be anyone, and their motto is "permit anything, but not Christ."

Man is more than what man does. God is more than what God does. There is of a man and of God a heart, mind, soul and will. Man is of Weakness and God is the only strength.

The first words of Genesis state "In the beginning" or "First". Genesis documents God's creation of the physical universe; God and other beings existed before God created the universe, and evidence of this is seen now and also is in Genesis and other documentation. God is the only creator.

Did "the Jews" kill Jesus Christ? "No one takes [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own will. I have authority to lay it down, and authority to take it back up again. This command I received from my Father."