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The Edomite Satanists who wore Jew clothing manipulated the pu | Galaxy Verge

The Edomite Satanists who wore Jew clothing manipulated the public and incited a mob rebellion to blackmail a Roman governor into conceding to allow the Satanists to force the military to fulfill their desire to crucify Jesus Christ -- but they did not know what they were doing. (Their lineage continues their practice today.) While that ignorance is of no credit or value to them, Jesus asked God to forgive them on that basis. But that drives home the fact that once that knowledge is gained, there is no turning back to exalt ignorance. So eternal life can only be obtained in Jesus Christ; "and this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, who you sent."

Only do something that you want God to see... because he does see it.
Only do something that you want everyone to see... because they will see it.
Only write something that you want everyone to know.
Only say something that you want everyone to hear.
A priest in his right mind only conveys God's message to honor the exalted Jesus Christ.

"Heaven and Earth will all pass away, but my words will never pass away." Therefore, learn what is written that God said.