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HEART CHAKRA / ANAHATA Find the beginning of the topic here | Soul Connected (EN/RUS)


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chakra is the central balance point that represents a union between the physical and the spiritual energies and relates to true unconditional love, acceptance, connection and trust to the universe. It also affects the amount of joy and happiness we have in our life. 

When chakra is unbalanced, we have:

- Loneliness and fear of closeness,
- Lack of trust in self or Universe,
- Feeling unloved,
- Overly critical, possessive or jealous,
- Feeling of superiority,
- Narcissism,
- Resentments,
- Fears.

When we balance our heart chakra, we release past relationship wounds and attachments which may hurt us in the present and compromise our future also. We feel connected to ourselves, begin to experience genuine connection with others, and our relationships grow healthy and radiate love.
This is that wonderful state of being Buddhists describe as ‘loving kindness’. In this state one is non-judgmental of others and oneself, lives a life full of generosity and sees the inherent goodness in all

However, when Anahata is overactive, it can lead us to lose our sense of boundaries in the quest for love and affection. It’s important to keep a balance


Green color - a simple walk in the woods, even in a city park with a lot of plants works perfectly,
Yoga Asanas (postures) like Bhujangasana (Cobra), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel), and Matsyasana (Fish),
Music (for example, the album “Heart chakra meditation” by Karunesh),
Charity and giving gifts,
Noticing our negative thoughts & emotions & judgments and making the intention to think differently,
Stop toxic conversations, gossips,
Positive affirmations - write them down and re-read during the day,
Practicing gratitude - thank the Universe for your life, health, food, place for living, happy moments during the day, etc. Do it every day!

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” Dalai Lama

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