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#GenerationRestoration?! As part of World Environmental da | Sprouts by WhatIF Foods


As part of World Environmental day, the UN is launching a global rally to restore 1 billion hectares of degraded ecosystems within the ten upcoming years. They need our generation’s help to revive damaged ecosystems— even the smallest act counts!

Here’s what you can do!

- Perhaps you can start eating less animal products! To help, you can find inspo from @everydayvegangrocer on Insta.

- Or an easier option is to be more mindful of where you get your food and what you do with it. Source locally grown fresh produce from @urbantillersg or reduce food waste with @uglyfoodco on Instagram!

- Give some to forgotten crops like the Bambara Groundnut (like @WhatIFFoods does) which can help increase biodiversity and resilience against climate change.

There are tons more fun initiatives you can join to be a part of #GenerationRestoration!