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With many of us heading into the new academic year, here are a | Sprouts by WhatIF Foods

With many of us heading into the new academic year, here are a few free websites to help make your year smooth like butter .

❶ Habitica.com adds a fun twist to your usual task management apps by turning it into a role-playing game! You create your own avatar and start off as a level 1 warrior. Slowly, you earn coins and level up by completing the tasks you’ve assigned yourself— unlocking in-game rewards and going on quests with your friends!

❷ If you’re like the majority and can’t get to work without listening to some lo-fi beats, Magenta Lo-Fi Player is perfect for you. The website takes you to a pixelated room full of trinkets and you get to tinker around with the bass, BPM, etc, and customize the perfect lo-fi beat that’ll help you focus better.

❸ Lifeat.io is a virtual work space that allows you to ‘shuffle your workspace’ to any location in the world— from a live feed of Times Square to a seat next to your favourite K-pop idol. It’s a great option for when you’re feeling a bit stir-crazy.