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One popular Termux tool is nmap, which is a network scanning t | Termux Hackers (Users)

One popular Termux tool is nmap, which is a network scanning tool used to discover hosts and services on a computer network. Here's some information about nmap and its basic usage:

### Tool: nmap
- Description: nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source network scanning tool used for network discovery and security auditing.
- Usage:
  1. Install nmap: If you don't have nmap installed in Termux, you can install it using the package manager:
     pkg install nmap
  2. Basic Scan: To perform a basic scan of a target host or network, use the following syntax:
     nmap target
     Replace 'target' with the IP address or domain name you want to scan.
  3. Scan Specific Ports: You can scan specific ports using the -p option followed by the port numbers:
     nmap -p 80,443 target
  4. Scan All Ports: Use the -p- option to scan all ports (1-65535):
     nmap -p- target
  5. Aggressive Scan: Perform an aggressive scan to find additional information about the target:
     nmap -A target
  6. Scan Network Range: You can scan a range of IP addresses using CIDR notation:
  7. Save Output to File: Save the scan results to a file for further analysis:
     nmap target -oN output.txt
  8. More Options: Explore additional options and parameters by using nmap --help to view the full list of available commands to customize your scans.

nmap provides a wide range of options for network reconnaissance, security auditing, and network monitoring. When using nmap or any network scanning tool, ensure that you have permission to scan the target network to avoid any legal implications.

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