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And basically Gordon, any blue team entry that 's submitted P. | Clip Artist Films

And basically Gordon, any blue team entry that 's submitted P.S.B. has access to it (Professional Standards Bureau). They can refute anything. Any blue team entry that's submitted, P.S.B. has access to it and can review it. 

Like there's different...there's supervisory notes. There's employee reported activity. It's like categorized. So when you get a blue team entry they categorize it. What is the blue team entry? Why is it being blue teamed? What is it for? And then majority of P.S.B. has access and can look at it to determine, is there any misconduct? Is there no misconduct? 

And then they initiate investigations mainly on these blue team entries. Gordon, a lot of these investigations are initiated by a blue team entry.  

GR: Paul Penzone, by abuse of policy and process is violating civl rights of M.C.S.O.employees. If the F.B.I. at some point wanted to sit down employees and get to the bottom of all this that would be good for the people that work there and the public at large in Maricopa County. 

Mr. Penzone has abused his leadership position to such a point that this agency is on life support. 

At this point, it's important to get the truth and information out. It's documented that in essence there's an element from the Melendres case being misused, which I'll note also while Penzone is getting held in contempt for other issues surrounding that. If he's just going to select what he wants and then use it to target and abuse employees and then roll those up into IA cases, then the public needs to know. 

Why does he let them stack up? I'm of the opinion based on other things I've been privy to, that there very well could be the evidence itself of Paul Penzone's own corruption inside those IA case files, which is why he's been sitting on them letting them age the last couple years. What's your take on that?

WB: I think on average it takes P.S.B. 600 hundred days to close a complaint. I guess part of the court order is, they have to accept every and all complaints. Basically no matter what the circumstances are and there's really no lead way on it. The office has asked for relief on that, because they think that's not fair. What is happening is at one point we had over 2,500 cases that were backlogged. Almost a year ago that came out because some of those cases were directly related to the Melendres ruling, and they weren't following the court's orders as far as investigating them. Time frames were not being followed. Judge gave them multiple opportunities to comply. The court was tired of hearing it. The court monitor was tired of hearing it. What they're doing to the plaintiff, they're doing to us. That never has came out. In my opinion they lied to the judge. 

These extension notices are never denied. They're never denied an extension notice. They don't even report this to the judge. The judge has no knowledge of this. One of the biggest reasons is these extensions always get approved. So no one's held accountable from P.S.B., none of these people are being individually held accountable. All these people Gordon should be held in civil contempt. Not just the Sheriff. 

The Sheriff took the brunt of everything, but it's like all these people individually at P.S.B. should be held in contempt. for not following the order. None of them have permission to not follow the order. There's nothing that came out allowing that. The Sheriff is protecting these people at P.S.B., they're like gods. If you file a complaint against someone at P.S.B. they dismiss the complaint every single time. 

GR: Sounds like how the courts work in Maricopa County and how the black robe mafia works in Arizona, this wall of corruption. If you're on their side of the wall you get protection. If you're on the other side trying to do the right thing you get targeted. It's quintessential government corruption going on here based on what you're describing. Needs immediate oversight.

WB: If you speak up they create these retalitory IA cases against you. Anonymous people can report you. No name attached to the complaint. P.S.B.