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will run with it, then take forever to investigate you.  GR: | Clip Artist Films

will run with it, then take forever to investigate you. 

GR: Is that why a lot of people have been leaving?

WB: This is why people leave because of the process. It has nothing to do with you being guilty or not. It's the fact that there's no due process. You are afforded absolutely no due process while under investigation. In fact, these people Gordon at P.S.B. have even told me on record, employees have zero due process when it comes to being investigated for misconduct. I'm not kidding you they actually told me this. They are under the assumption that there is zero due process for being under investigation either criminally or administratively. 

GR: That's crazy. They're blowing up somebody's career over anonymous hearsay. Because if you can take an anonymous tip and then freeze someone out, there's no firewall there for false reporting.

WB: Yes, there's no protections. They claim that there's things in place, checks and balances. There's not Gordon. Cases aren't being reviewed. Court monitors do not review every single case that comes in. P.S.B. - they try to tell me this. That's a complete lie. I've spoken to people. They do not review every single case. That is complete lie. There's no way an investigation can go through with all these checks and balances and it be incorrect or be wrong. These investigations are not only piss poor, they're garbage. But they're proud of the work they put out there. It's garbage. Even the judge has already said it's piss poor. It's unacceptable as a law enforcement agency that this is what they're putting out there.

They've had how many years? Six years? Seven years? This is all P.S.B.'s shortcomings. They failed. Then got in trouble with their hand in the cookie jar because they were investigating people before the court monitor came in Gordon. The Chief Deputy, his cases got reopened and the judge determined that there is some serious issues with those cases. 

So then P.S.B. got grouped into the court monitor thing. Now there's like 4 phases for P.S.B. and we're not in compliance 100% with anything. 

GR: How many key executives and middle management is in P.S.B. as a department?

WB: In the past 2 years they've added positions there. There's a P.S.B. Commander then there's a Chief that oversees it. Then the Chief reports to the Sheriff or designee. So I mean there's probably around 40 employees that work there. 

GR: What's the remedy policy wise inside of M.C.S.O., have you looked and said okay, so there's self evident corruption going on an abuse of process such as this, the blue team rolling up to the IA cases, rolling up to career sabotage and political targeting using P.S.B., that's what you're saying is generally going on here. Is there a mechanism inside the M.C.S.O. policy to bring in a third party agency, like the F.B.I., they're already co-joined with the F.A.T.E. Team, or some sort of special investigator?

WB: No. There's nothing. They do what they want. There's nothing you can do. It's like an act of Congress. The court monitors don't care. I've submitted complaints to them directly, they don't care. All they care about is having their check. And these people at P.S.B., none of those people care. There's nothing in place other than basically, what can happen is...let's say a complaint comes in and they determine it's conflict of interest they can have another agency come in and do the investigation that's qualified.

GR: There's no provision in there to say, saying if M.C.S.O. leadership is dirty or upper management, that there's some sort of mechanism like a special investigator to come in from the county or state? 

WB: No. They won't allow it. Especially if it's a complaint against a P.S.B. individual, they will protect that person at all costs. This is very well known at the office. No one at P.S.B. is held accountable Gordon. Every single day those people not only do they violate employees rights, what they're doing is illegal. And it's wrong. They get away with it. They get a pass every single time.