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20% off the worlds most powerful medicine @ reindeeramanita.co | Adam Lewington (Reindeeramanita.com)

20% off the worlds most powerful medicine @ reindeeramanita.com

Some refer to Amanita as the most 'misunderstood' of all healing mushrooms.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

More than misunderstood, Amanita is the number one medicine that the occult rulers have worked so hard to make us all fear. Whilst throwing in our faces on all of their platforms how powerful she is as they use her intimately keeping her as a secret among themselves.

Their black magic liguistic programming is so deep within all cultures surrounding this healing mushroom.

I have a duty of being called since beginning to work with Amanita to bring her back to every home, in order that the users may find their way back home.

I can not back down from this duty no matter how much I am being attacked by the Empire for doing so, and I know that Amanita is protecting me closely more than I have been protected in my life.

I have spoken directly with the world leading clinical researchers that are doing 'tests' on this mushroom. And whilst all healing mushrooms can be compared, NO mushroom can be compared to Amanita in the very slightest.

No tests are required for what we all once held as truth.

And the amount of people I speak with daily that are having breakthrough experiences with her does not in the slightest surprise me at all.

I can talk about the theives of knowledge day and night. Or I can return to people the stolen healing relics, what was righteously theirs.

This mushroom was KNOWN by all cultures to connect them to their ancestors, and do we not see clearly that this ability to do so, is the number one ability that we came with that is under attack during a full scale war.

Whilst many plan to stock up on food during trying times, I wish for them to make sure that their medicine cabinets are thriving also.

I do this for me, and I do this for the world.

Wake up to the wonderfilled world of Amanita in your life with 20% off when using the voucher code: flyreindeerfly