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22 JAN 1. Malleable: Moldable; able to be shaped without brea | •Advanced English Vocabulary•

22 JAN

1. Malleable: Moldable; able to be shaped without breaking
Example - "Most forms of metal are malleable substances."

2. Apprise: inform
Example - "I had to apprise my car insurance provider of my terrible car accident."

3. Cursory: brief to the point of being superficial
Example - "The secretary flashed a cursory smile and told me that I couldn't speak to the CEO, because he was in a meeting, which I knew was a lie."

4. Contrite: Penitent; remorseful
Example - "After my mother smashed my leg in the door, she was very contrite, running around trying to perform mundane tasks for me, trying to make up for causing me pain."

5. Assiduous: Hard-working
Example - "As the teenage boy chucked the wood logs into pieces, he had a very assiduous nature about him. He didn't stop to take breaks or rest, he didn't stop to drink water."