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#41 Travelogue Uzbekistan: The Grieving Mother Before the las | Afandi English

#41 Travelogue Uzbekistan: The Grieving Mother

Before the last war gets totally forgotten, let’s talk about war memorials in Uzbekistan. Apart from a few Soviet-style flames for unknown soldiers and name lists of fallen soldiers the memorials seem to be all about grieving mothers. Let me offer some thoughts:

What did the soldiers die for?
The fighting was far away from Uzbekistan. Uzbek soldiers died defending the Soviet Union, not their Uzbek motherland. That’s why, unlike in Russia, heroism cannot be the central theme.

Women may not hold much power in public life, but as mothers they hold families together. Uzbeks have written countless sentimental songs and poems about mothers.

Family collectivism
Losing a family member, especially an unmarried one, is a real tragedy. It’s not so much about individual suffering and losing one’s life but what the war did to Uzbek families.
