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Short but good common-sense article. It's astounding we conti | Warren Balogh NJP 💀⚡⚡

Short but good common-sense article. It's astounding we continue to put up with this shit.

Classical music is under attack by the “woke” because the overwhelming majority of classical musicians are either Asian or white... in recent history, orchestra auditions have generally been “blind,” i.e., the performer is behind a screen so that the judges are not influenced by his or her gender, race, or whatever. Liberals now are demanding an end to blind auditions.... Liberals want the musicians to be visible to enable discrimination in favor of blacks over more skilled musicians of other races....

Affirmative action has seemingly been memory-holed in the current woke, Black Lives Matter moment. Are we really supposed to forget that for the last 50 years, every educational institution, every government agency, and every significant corporation has discriminated in favor of blacks? Somehow that seemingly important fact is neglected when liberals lecture us on “systemic racism.”