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The Charlottesville trial shows the basic problem with the US | Warren Balogh NJP 💀⚡⚡

The Charlottesville trial shows the basic problem with the US court system: a host of minor "facts" are outweigh bigger truths. Juries in particular have a hard time deciding which facts are more important than others. The result of this is that the side with the most money is able to out-organize their opposition.

With a deluge of "facts" you can make anyone seem guilty of anything. In Sines v. Kessler, the plaintiffs are able to bury the defendants in unimportant or un-contextualized minor "facts," which seem to trump everything else. What about the overarching truth that Antifa spent all summer attacking alt-right demonstrations? What about the truth that no alt-right group ever tried to disrupt an Antifa rally or demonstration? What about the truth that Antifa rioted regularly without any alt-righters present? The US legal system cannot deal with this information fairly. Rich, connected Jews like Roberta Kaplan know this and exploit it ruthlessly. It's the triumph of talmudic hair-splitting over logic and truth.