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New airdrop: Bitcoinasset (BTA) Reward: 1 BTA (N/A) Rate: | Airdrop6

New airdrop: Bitcoinasset (BTA)
Reward: 1 BTA (N/A)
Market: Listing on
Remarks: Distributed on April 1st

Bot Airdrop Link: airdrop page

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Follow Twitter and Retweet the post.
Then complete other optional tasks.
Submit your BEP-20 walllet address.
Only for 10,000 qualified participants.

Note: This airdrop token will be distributed to your wallet address in April 1st and please remember don’t spend a penny for airdrops tokens.

Done Done Done Done

Additional Information:
BTA is built to connect private chains, public and permissionless with future technologies that are yet to be created. BTA facilitates an internet where independent blockchains can exchange information and transactions in a trusted way via the BTA relay chain.