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#TestimonySession 1.Good morning Papa, I joined since August | AJS Daily Podcast


1.Good morning Papa, I joined since August this year and since that time, helpers are coming to me left and right. Even those that had forgotten me suddenly start sending me money. I thank God for wonders without number. Blessing from Bonny Island, Rivers State

2.Good morning Papa, my name is Pascal Koutodjo; a Togolese living in Lagos. I sent a prayer request about my friend whose wife was pregnant and she's had been feeling stomach pain but after the prayer, she is better now. Indeed our time has come!

3.My name is Isha from London UK; I’m here to give God all the glory!Papa ever since I became a member of this wonderful family, my life changed for the better. I keep seeing miracles upon miracles. I’m now engaged, my son is doing well in school, and Papa miracle money is real!! I sowed a seed on the 19th of November for the building of our studio and in less than 2hours I received 5 times more of that money from someone I didn’t ask. My time has come!

4. My name is Acts Anthony from Kenya, since I joined wonders without number, my prayer life has skyrocketed to a higher dimension. This has positively influence the manifestation of the gifts of God upon my life and ministry. Also, my wife got a job and I have been signing contracts after contracts. Thank you Jesus, my time has come!

5.Good morning Papa, I want to thank God for saving me from a fire accident,on Tuesday I had appointment with my doctor; when I came back, I started perceiving something and I rushed into the house checked everywhere; lo and behold I didn't know that I put meat on the gas, and for 6 hours the gas was on. I want to thank God becausethere was no casualty. My time has come!

6.Good morning Papa, on the 23rd of November 2021, before the prayer time my phone was misbehaving because of a fault; so by faith, I use the Anointing oil Papa blessed and anointed my phone; it became normal! We didn't hear from my son for 2-3months and I was worried so I did the same by Anointing my son’s picture and said “let him call me”, before 11am he called me and said he is ok. Thank you Jesus!

7.Good morning Papa, God has been faithful to me since I joined wonders without number. On the 21th of November I joined the fast for preservation, on my way back from a ministration I encountered an accident that took lives but the angel of wonders without number delivered me. Thank you Jesus, my time has come! PastorNnadike Festus

8.Good morning Papa, I am Ann Verghese from India and I have come to give all glory to God. I had sent a prayer request on 30 July 2021 for a creative miracle for a 6 years old little girl Jessica who was suffering from Nephritic syndrome since she was 3 years old. Each time you prayed for new kidneys or issues related to kidneys I would key in for Jessica, on 12 November 2021 to the glory of God I received a message from her father saying that Jessica’s reports are normal. Our time has come!

9.My name is Aladiokuma Wilson Hart from Bonny Island, I have been suffering from pains in my anus and I couldn't go to toilet but after Tuesday’s pray when you say we should place our left hand in any area we have pains, I did that and the pain is gone. Thank God, my time has come!

10.Papa,I want to thank God for healing my family from Covid-19.My entire family rejected that report and sent a prayer request; after five days another test was conducted and it was negative. Papa, I want to thank God for this healing; indeed my time has come. Wisdom from Vietnam

11. Good morning Papa, I wrote an entrance exams into the Ghana law school and when the results came, they claimed we failed. That very day, Papa prayed over oil and we should declare “oil of Joy”. I was very sad but I declared and anointed myself.A week later, the school brought the entire results and I passed. The shocking news is that, the school will never let you sign off to contend their examination decision but we contended it and they have admitted we passed and offered us admission.I will all glory to God. Daniel from Ghana