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#TestimonySession 1. My name is Cynthia from Maryland USA; P | AJS Daily Podcast


1. My name is Cynthia from Maryland USA; Papa, miracle money is real. I have been on this prayer platform since day 1, actually this is my second testimony. I got a huge amount of money back from my mortgage company and they also reduced my monthly mortgage payment, papa this has never happened before, no explanation as to why the company decided to pay me back and just like that I got a cheque from them. Indeed My Time Has Come.

2.Good morning Papa. I am MrsOgechukwu from Enugu- Nigeria. I was pregnant so I wasn't happy because I took in three months after I had an ectopic pregnancy surgery. Little did I know that God was performing a miracle.I visited the doctor and he said I had a big growth in your tummy; I started praying about it on wonders without number every morning. After several scans the doctor didn’t see anything again. The growth disappeared! My time has come!

3.Papa, God is good; I have been believing God for a job since last year March. I have been following wonders without numbers since the beginning and this November,you made a declaration that the blessings we have not carried before will enter our hands,and I shouted “Amen”; behold the Lord gave me and my wife an international job with very attractive salaries. Thank you Jesus, my time has come!

4. My name is Edison Abiroh; I reside in Dubai and this is my second testimony. I get Miracle money every day but this one was a surprise to me.I used to get favour from people I work with or I work for but this day, someone was just walking pass and called me and said “this is for you”. I checked later only to see that it was $100. Papa someone I don’t know from anywhere. My time has come!

5.Good morning Papa, my name is Kate from Italy. This is my 3rd testimony and it is about miracle money. Papa, I received 525 Euros from the agent I stopped working with, since September. Thank you Jesus, my time has come!

6.Good Morning Papa, I'm sorry for not sharing this testimony before now. I want to thank the God of Wonders without Number for giving me Miracle money on the 1st of November and also for healing me of back pain after stretching my hand to the screen of my phone as Papa instructed. My time has come! Aleakhue Jonah from Lagos

7.Good morning Papa, I'm here to testify to the goodness of God in my life, the job I have applied for since May, and I have been looking up to God to help me has finally come. People have been given appointment letters but I wasn't called; I joined wonders without number October ending and God has been so faithful to me. I was sent a message of congratulations to come for my appointment letter. Thank you Jesus, my time has come!

8.Good morning Papa, I am Vasco Smith from the USA, I went to the supermarket to buy groceries. I filled the cart with lots of things and took it to the teller to check me out; something just happened and the teller kept rejecting my credit card and I didn’t know what to do. A lady came from nowhere and paid for all the things I bought. Miracle money is real, my time has come!

9.Good morning Papa, I want to give God all the glory for wonders without number. I have experienced such a wonderful transformation in my life and at a time when things became so tight, I just kept getting alerts from my organization for things we didn't deserve; experiencing miracle money through and through. Thank you Jesus,my time has come! Ibrahim Yusuf

10.Good morning Papa, I want to give God the glory for what he has done for me. On the 21st November, someone who was owing me since last year and didn’t want to pay just called me asking for my account details and gave me my money. Miracle money is real. My time has come! Mr. Etifiok Sambo from Port Harcourt

11. My name is Lucky from the UAE.I want to thank God for saving me from death on the 19th November 2021. Also two of my elder sister's husbands were rushed to the hospital that same week; my sister’s husband in Italy was attacked by some men God set confusion in their midst; and my sister’s husband walked away. Indeed, our time has come!