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A0795: Is the chronicle of the Slavic Vedes true? – Part 9 Ans | Akasha-Interview

A0795: Is the chronicle of the Slavic Vedes true? – Part 9
Answer: Today we want to explain to you how the Apycrians explained to the Vedes why there are different human races and what the All-God had in mind. Whenever the term human race is mentioned in conversations on Earth, many listeners flinch, because according to their statutes the term human race is defined differently than in the rest of the universe. When someone talks about human races on Earth, he usually puts one human race in the foreground and classifies the rest of the human races as lower beings. That such a definition is far-fetched should be obvious to every reader, but that the ordinary European looks different from a person from Asia or Africa should also have been noticed by every person on earth…

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