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B0230: What Happened When the Anunnaki Arrived on Earth? - Par | Akasha-Interview

B0230: What Happened When the Anunnaki Arrived on Earth? - Part 14
Answer: Before we continue the list we started some time ago, we would like to point something out to you so that you may better understand the mind of an Anunnaki. We told you that the Anunnaki are no longer a human species, because long ago they were genetically experimented on to alter many of the human traits that are shared by all human races. No matter where a human race is created by the Wingmakers, it will be human in appearance and it will behave like a human because the appearance and behaviour of a human being is predetermined in the blueprint of the human species. It varies somewhat according to the environmental conditions under which a human race matures, but all humans will be recognisable by their appearance and behaviour on all planets. A very old human race will then outwardly evolve more and more towards a great white grey…

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