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Contagion does have one actual villain, though. He’s a jo | Alex Berenson

Contagion does have one actual villain, though.

He’s a journalist, but really he’s just a blogger. Eww. When first we meet him he’s begging the San Francisco Chronicle to let him write an article.

And he’s a conspiracy theorist. And he’s a lying liar, he tells everyone that an extract from the forsythia plant will save them but he doesn’t believe it himself. Because bloggers, you know.

And he’s a grifter. He makes millions of dollars trading stocks in forsythia companies or something, that part isn’t totally clear either but he gets arrested for sure. And he lets his pregnant girlfriend - his pregnant girlfriend! - die from the virus instead of giving her the forsythia he knows doesn’t work to save her. Worst of all, he talks too fast and he runs in a really weird way when the FBI comes to arrest him for the securities fraud.

Yeah, he’s a bad guy. Even worse than Gwyneth Paltrow, who screws around on Matt Damon, poor sincere Matt Damon. (Though she works for a company that makes construction equipment to cut down trees. She pretty much deserves to die for causing global warming anyway.)

Yes, along with trust the bureaucrats, Contagion’s lesson is clear: the Internet is filled with liars!