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Journalists who hate journalists (and journalism) The gold m | Alex Berenson

Journalists who hate journalists (and journalism)

The gold mine that is Berenson v. Twitter keeps spitting nuggets:

It wasn’t just the White House that was after me last year… my fellow members of the Fourth Estate were in touch with Twitter too. (It appears that at some point, Twitter’s Trust & Safety Team turned into the Dealing With Angry Karens Unit, and then it became the Easier To Switch Than Fight Division.)

Without further ado, here’s CNN’s one and only Oliver Darcy, complaining to Twitter in August 2021 that it was “promoting” me. Twitter was doing lots of things to me in August 2021; promoting wasn’t one:

And here’s Ashley Gold, a “tech and policy reporter” at Axios, more or less begging Twitter to jam me.

Ashley and Oliver appear to be firm believers in the ever-popular doctrine of “free speech is for me, not for thee”.

More to come…