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From a friend of mine. 'The Swiss ban on face coverings is mar | Sub to @AltSkull48 now

From a friend of mine. "The Swiss ban on face coverings is marketed as an assault on the Niqab / Burqa purportedly being pushed by the so called "far right". It's another jew-system division technique to distract Whites from the real problems caused by immigration into the West. It's also designed to anger the fundamentalist European muzzies into further acts of violence.

A real far right movement wouldn't ban wearing the burqa, it would deport the racial aliens. What needs to be banned is genital mutilation of male babies aka circumcision. But the jew-system won't allow that, instead it offers up illusions, distractions and the appearance of real far right action.

Switzerland is a global (((financial capital))) and has no real far-right movement, only smoke and mirrors."