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It has been a long time since i wrote something for you people | Anmol Vachan Quotes ( UPSC prelims mains )

It has been a long time since i wrote something for you people. But today i want to pen down something. The lesson i feel most of us need in our lives. It is the lesson on courage. If my memory suggests me right, it was Aristotle who said that Courage is the highest virtue. I thus feel that it is important we understand its value.
There is a battle we all our facing. Some physically, some economically but most important of them all mentally. Who has not tasted defeat? Rejection? Fear? Everyone isn’t? But who are the ones who could write their destiny? I feel the courageous one. Because they choose to fight their own battles. They didn’t seek apology. They didn’t seek frustration. They didn’t seek acceptance. They could understand, only if they were courageous enough to restart. To hustle. To face the fear. To move away from darkness. It was their resolve, their conscious decision. Their submission to highest form of virtue. They realise, it was now time to move away from the things listed above. It was not enough, they were most importantly courageous to pursue again, may be the same thing or something else. But they were courageous. Probably some were courageous enough to pursue revenge. Revenge is a confession of pain. It was not they wanted revenge from someone else. It was their own battle. They against themselves. A me vs me fight. They didn’t perish. They chose this battle. A battle against their own identity. They knew it was the final showdown. Victory or death. But I believe it was fear vs courage. Strength comes from adversity. Tough times make difficult people. People who dare to dream. People who have courage to pursue. People who agree to disagree with the ordinary. People who believe that they are going to take it all. These are the people who have broken shackles of depression, distrust and who have emerged from devastation, from their mental limitations. They are courageous. The ones who have conquered. Conquered what’s within.

Coming week is your battle, battle that will culminate in an exam. A moment that will redefine you. Better or worse, but worth. I hope you will choose courage. Courage to tell yourself that you can and you will. That’s how it has always been. More or less.

It is a good time i end this scribbled write up with these lines of Bill Withers,
Sometimes in our lives
We all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

But are you courageous enough to pursue it?

- gg