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Here is a counter argument to this appealing speculation in th | Arizona Must Decertify

Here is a counter argument to this appealing speculation in the following post:

1. Election Integrity is not about saving face for the corrupt MCBOS but a thorough audit of MCTEC inside out!

2. Election Integrity is not about playing for the public various press releases. it is serving and enforcing lawful subpoenas for all election equipment and materials in setting.

3. Election Integrity is about the legislature staying in session and passing the simple and elegant solutions to clean up the swamp that is Arizona's voting process.

Stay the course Patriots. Do not lose focus on the prize of freedom for yourself and future generations!

Legislature must stay in session until election integrity is assured. Hearings. Debates. Laws. Citizens have excellent ideas. Why do elected officials have to make it so hard? #banmachines and #KISS (Keep It Short & Simple)

Adjudicated ballots & Irregular ballots. What is being audited? The original or the reprint after adjudication?

Judge Martin must recuse himself (602-372-2925). We further call for disbarment for his hands in tainting the audit and putting lives in danger.

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