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We were forwarded an email response from Mark Finchem Re: Sine | Arizona Must Decertify

We were forwarded an email response from Mark Finchem Re: Sine Die, which says:

“Are you aware that all of the election related statutes designed to stop fraud in the future that we have passed cannot take effect until 90 after we sine die? In order to not sine die, we must have agreement of 31 members agree in the House and 16 in the Senate, the Senate must also agree to recess until such time as the audit report is made available. That means that we will need some Democrats to side with that question. The down side of this is a delay in the effective date of all legislation.”

Our understanding is that this is not correct, and we've received no additional reply. We have been told no Democrats are needed if all Republicans vote. We have the majority in the House and the Senate.

Under the Rules of the Arizona House of Representatives 55th Legislature, 2021-2022, Rule 2, Annual Sessions, it states:
"A. Except as provided herein, regular sessions shall be adjourned sine die no later than Saturday of the week in which the one hundredth day from the beginning of each regular session falls. The Speaker may by declaration authorize the extension of the session for a period not to exceed seven additional days. Thereafter the session can be extended only by a majority vote of the House."

You can read the rules here:

The AZ Legislature website does not have the updated 55th Legislature Senate Rules but does have last year’s, which says the same thing.

We are told they are working on the Budget now.

Where are our Legislators and why haven't we received answers?

We must be assured they do not adjourn their session.

Please, please email them all AGAIN. We must demand this issue be addressed. You can find a template, addresses, and more information at this link: https://t.me/ArizonaRedRoots/869

See Gail’s explanation here: