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Statement by Republican Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State | Arizona Must Decertify

Statement by Republican Nominee for Arizona Secretary of State Mark Finchem on the Sanctions

The 6-page order by Judge Julian to award lawyer reimbursement to leftist litigators who represent the Sinaloa Cartel, now the installed Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, and Katie Hobbs, the installed Governor of Arizona, is contemptible judicial overreach beyond all statutory and Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona.

This award is designed to quash any and all dissent where elections are in question. The Maricopa County 2022 election was the most embarrassing election in American history. As a result, 70% of Americans doubt the outcome of the 2022 elections in Arizona (Rasmussen Poll).

Judge Julian is punishing me for daring to assert my 1st Amendment protections, which constitutionally guarantee separation of powers, and has shredded statutory protection for contestants to challenge suspicious election results.

This is the dawn of the one-party state banana republic as we have seen in Venezuela and many other South American nation-states. Judge Julian should be removed from the bench for her abuse of judicial authority.

Adrian Fontes and Katie Hobbs did not pay for their representation. Dark money from out of state, and perhaps even out of America, paid for them to engage in what amounts to political theft.

The Arizona Democratic Party received a hefty sum of laundered money from FTX -- Sam Bankman-Fried -- to interfere with our elections directly in support of Fontes and Hobbs.

I will fight this fraud, injustice and embarrassment of a ruling even if the judge chooses to do the bidding of the Marxists like she did in this instance.