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Common Queries 1) Who will be evaluating my Copies? - Rank H | Art and culture

Common Queries

1) Who will be evaluating my Copies?
- Rank Holders and Interview appeared candidates.

2) Can I write answers to questions of my choice?
- Absolutely. That's the beauty of this initiative. Students are free to use any source (PYQ, Vision IAS, Sunya IAS, Forum etc)

3) Does Convert IAS also provide questions?
- Yes, we also provide our Expert's curated Question Bank but students are free to choose Questions from any source

4) Time taken for Evaluation?
- 24-48 hrs in general.

5) Where to submit my answers?
- www.convertias.com - portal specifically designed for answer writing

6) Can I get a demo?
- Yes, submit your copies at www.convertias.com and get it evaluated

For more queries: http://t.me/ConvertIAS or call us 9108075088

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