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Happy Earth Day! Today, April 22, is Earth Day, an internation | Asgardia Space Nation

Happy Earth Day!
Today, April 22, is Earth Day, an international event celebrated to pledge support for environmental protection.
Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.
Groups that had been fighting individually against oil spills, polluting factories, raw sewage, toxic dumps, the loss of wilderness and the extinction of wildlife united on Earth Day around the common values. Earth Day 1970 gave a voice to an emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet: 20 million took to the streets to protest against environmental degradation.
This day provides an opportunity to raise public awareness around the world to the challenges regarding the well-being of the planet and all the life it supports.
Earth is our only home, humanity still doesn’t have a “plan B”. We have to respect our beautiful home planet and take care of it.

#AsgardiaSpaceNation #EarthDay