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UNIVERSAL CREDIT SCANDAL Whilst I agree MPs are paid far too | Ashlea Simon News


Whilst I agree MPs are paid far too much, the difference here is that politician's do work therefore they will earn more than those that don't.
The benefit system is meant to be a hammock you rest on during difficult times be it a job loss, relationship breakdown or health issue.
The benefit system isn't there for people to live on, and lower payouts is so there is an incentive to work and do better.
If you choose to sponge of benefits and have no intention of working you have no right to moan and whinge about how little you're getting when it's hard working people paying into a system and you reaping the rewards.
My mum told me at 14 years old if I wanted money i had to earn it so i got my first job at 14, many times I've worked 2 jobs at one time so get a job and stop complaining.....