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Don't say 'Stone age Man'! As a way to express that someone's | Ask A Muslim

Don't say 'Stone age Man'!

As a way to express that someone's way of thinking is silly or shallow, some people say: "just like a stone age Man'".

It's an expression that carries with it false connotations and that some people use without realizing its implications.

The term implies that the ancient man was deficient and undeveloped on an intellectual, emotional, and moral level, then these qualities developed over time.

These are delusions espoused by the followers of the myth of evolution. However, this myth doesn't even cross the minds of many who use this expression, nor do they believe in it.

Let us remember that the first Man was Adam, peace be upon him, who was one of the prophets; complete in all capacities, intellectually, emotionally, and morally.

As time went on after Adam, people's intellect and morals fluctuated in accordance with their faith and/or disbelief.

The human intellectual and moral advancement or regression has nothing to do with how ancient or how recent an era is, nor does it have anything to do with the human's capability of reaching the moon or the deep layers of the earth, or the discoveries and inventions, except if we were to say that Man's faith in Allah is what drives him to develop the earth and to benefit the people.

We are now in the 21st century; an era of tremendous technological advancement, yet the majority of people's ideas and thoughts have been corrupted, their perception has been distorted, their reasoning has become crooked, and the morals of many have reached the lowest of lows; to the extent that if what they call the 'stone age man' were to see them, he would say: "Praise be to Allah who saved us from what He afflicted many others with"!
