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We are a group of Muslims based in USA. We are dedicated to educating you about Islam, giving you a chance to hear about Islam from practicing Muslims.
AskAMuslim's aim is to eradicate misconceptions about Islam, to show a good example of a Muslim.

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The latest Messages 52

2021-09-11 00:54:14 #Part 60

A new Qiblah (60)

On Sha’ban, 2 A.H., the Qiblah (direction Muslims pray
toward) was changed from Bait Al-Maqdis in Jerusalem to the Ka’bah in Makkah . The change was announced by Allah in a verse in the Qur’an. The Prophet ﷺ and the sincere Muslims rejoiced over this change. The Hypocrites who had pretended to be Muslims, however, protested the change, and many of them reverted to either Judaism or paganism, thereby purifying the ranks of Muslims.

The Battle of Badr

The military raids undertaken by the Muslims were minor
until this point. They had been more exploratory than anything else, but they had served to initiate Muslims into the conduct of warfare. It was the Battle of Badr , however, that was a milestone for Islam as the first decisive battle between the Muslims and the Quraysh.

The Prophet ﷺ rode to Dhul Ashirah attempting to then
intercept a trade caravan from Makkah to Syria. The caravan, however, managed to flee to Syria. The Prophet ﷺ
dispatched two men to Hawraa in Syria to await the caravan’s return . When the scouts spotted the caravan approaching, they hurried back to Madinah to inform the Prophet ﷺ . Once the Prophet ﷺ heard that the caravan was returning, he mustered between 313 and 317 men, two horses and seventy camels . He then headed to Badr, about 155 km southwest of Madinah.

The Prophet ﷺ awarded the white standard to Mus’ab bin
Umayr . The Muhajireen were given a separate standard which was carried by Ali ibn Talib, while the standard of the Ansar was borne by Sa’d bin Mu’adh .
Badr, ringed by high mountains , was accessible through three routes. One, called Al-Udwat Al-Qaswa, lay in the south; the second, called Al-Udwat Al-Duniya, approached from the north, and the third approached from the east and was used by the people of Madinah as the main thoroughfare to the settlement of Badr.

There were some houses, wells and orchards in Badr, and for this reason Makkan caravans heading for Syria travelled along it and generally broke their journey there, staying anywhere from a few hours to a few days. It would have been simple for the Prophet ﷺ and his men
to seize the caravan by blocking all three escape routes. Success depended on the element of surprise, however, and the Muslims would have to appear only after the caravan pulled into Badr and seal off all three routes before the Quraysh could react.

Accordingly, the Prophet ﷺ and his men left Madinah heading in the opposite direction from Badr. Once the Prophet ﷺ was at a safe distance away from Madinah, he changed routes and headed directly for Badr .

So what happened next ?
That what we will know next time

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2021-09-10 00:53:50
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2021-09-10 00:53:41 #Part 59

The First Battle of Badr (59)

The first Sariyya (singular form of Saraya) that the Prophet ﷺ
dispatched was called Sariyya Saif Al-Bahar. It took place in Ramadan, 1 A.H. (the first year of the Prophet’s migration or Hijrah: A.H. refers to After Hijrah). The Prophet’s uncle Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib led the squadron accompanied by thirty Muhajireen. They headed for the coast of the Red Sea⁦ on the outskirts of Ais and came across a caravan headed by Abu Jahl that was returning from Syria.

A battle almost erupted when the two parties faced each other, but Majdi bin Amr Jahni intervened and matters subsided.

This was the first Sariyya in the history of Islam. The Muslims
rode beneath a white standard (the first ever used by Muslims) borne by Abu Marthad bin Haseen Ghanwi .

In the following months, the Prophet ﷺ sent a number of
Saraya one after the other. Abu Ubaydah bin Harith led a party of sixty Muhajireen to Batn Rabi. They came across Abu Sufyan and two hundred Makkans. Arrows were shot from both sides but there was no combat . Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas was dispatched along with twenty Muhajireen to Rabigh near Kharar, but the men returned without having had to fight.

Then in Safar, 2 A.H., for the first time, the Prophet ﷺ
himself went out to battle⁦ ⁩ accompanied by seventy Muhajireen. They journeyed to Awba or Wadan, but once again they did not come across any enemies. However, it was during this journey that the Prophet ﷺ finalised a treaty of peace and cooperation with Amr bin Makshi al Dhamri.

The following month (Rabi’ Al-Awwal, 2 A.H.), the Prophet ﷺ led a group of men to Buwat on the outskirts of Radwi. During the same month, Kuz bin Jabir Al-Fihri rustled some grazing cattle belonging to the Muslims. The Prophet ﷺ gathered seventy Muhajireen and chased him to Safwan on the outskirts of Badr, but Kurz escaped. This expedition is known as the First Battle of Badr.

The Prophet ﷺ also led a squadron of 150 to 200 Muhajireen in either Jamad Al-Awwal or Jamad Al-Thani, 2 A.H. They went to Dhul Ashira to intercept a caravan headed for Syria, but it had passed a few days before they arrived. During this journey the Prophet ﷺ finalised a non-aggression pact with Banu Madlaj. To further steel his men in the art of warfare, the Prophet ﷺ
sent Abdullah bin Jash Asadi along with twelve Muhajireen to Nakhlah (an area between Makkah and Ta’if) in Rajab, 2 A.H. Their objective was to
gather intelligence about a caravan financed by the Quraysh.

Abdullah’s men attacked the caravan and killed one person. They also took two captives whom they brought back to Madinah.

When the Prophet ﷺ heard about what had happened, he
became very upset. He set the prisoners free and paid blood money to the victim’s family.

The Quraysh protested vehemently about this attack because it took place in Rajab, one of the “prohibited months,” the period during which fighting is unlawful.
Allah revealed the following verse in reference to the Muslim
attack on the caravan:

“They ask you concerning fighting in the prohibited months. Say: Fighting during these months is a grave offense, but preventing people from following the path of Allah, disbelieving in Him, preventing access to the Sacred Mosque and driving out its residents are greater offenses with Allah. Unrest and oppression are worse than killing.” (2: 217)

But these weren't the only changes , The biggest change is about to happen next.

Do you want to know what happened


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2021-09-09 21:58:03
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2021-09-09 18:10:03
In Ask a Muslim our mission is to spread Islam everywhere as much we can , and to make our posts and our dawah to reach more non Muslims it cost much money to Boost the dawah through social media ,
Or we can do it manually by our team members

So we started new Dawah project ( Easy Dawah)

Imagine when Allah guide someone through watching a Dawah post you shared

Its work is to Boost the Dawah material everywhere on social media ( on groups , big pages ) , like marketing team for dawah , even if the members don't have time or don't know how to do dawah they can get reward of doing Dawah and guiding others to Islam by working in this project , it just need to volunteer by 30-60 minutes aday

Fill this form to join us whatever was your language and knowledge , you can join us
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2021-09-09 18:00:57

عن أنس بن مالك، عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: “انصر أخاك ظالمًا أو مظلومًا . فقال رجلٌ : يا رسولَ اللهِ ، أنصرُه إذا كان مظلومًا ، أفرأيتَ إذا كان ظالمًا كيف أنصرُه ؟ قال : تحجِزُه ، أو تمنعُه ، من الظلمِ فإنَّ ذلك نصرُه” صحيح البخاري

Narrated Anas: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Help your brother whether he is an oppressor or an oppressed,” A man said, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! I will help him if he is oppressed, but if he is an oppressor, how shall I help him?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “By preventing him from oppressing (others), for that is how to help him.” Sahih al-Bukhari 6952
In-book reference : Book 89, Hadith 13
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 9, Book 85, #Hadith 84
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2021-09-09 14:25:19
The Road to Survival in the Midst of the Pandemic COVID 19

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2021-09-09 01:14:18
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2021-09-09 01:14:12 #Part 58

Permission to fight (58)

Up to this point the Prophet ﷺ had counselled Muslims to
endure insults and abuses in silence. Now, however, the Muslims had the upper hand. This new found supremacy triggered off even fiercer opposition from their enemies. At last, Allah made it permissible to fight against their oppressors , and this permission later became a duty. The permission to fight was given in stages.

At first the Muslims were allowed to fight only the Quraysh because they were the first to oppress Muslims in Makkah . Muslims were also allowed to seize their goods, but not those of tribes at peace with them.

Then the Muslims were allowed to fight any pagan tribe that
allied itself with the Quraysh, or any other pagan tribe that oppressed Muslims . Later, the Muslims were permitted to fight any Jewish tribe that broke its covenant with the Muslims.

In such a case, the covenant was automatically nullified.

Subsequently, the Muslims were allowed to fight “People of
the Book” (Christians and Jews) who harassed or persecuted them. If the “People of the Book” surrendered to the Islamic state and paid Jiziyah (a nominal tax), then the Muslims were forbidden to fight them.

Finally, the Muslims were required to make peace with any
polytheists, Jews or Christians who embraced Islam , and to respect their rights and property.

Military expeditions (Saraya and Ghazawat)

Now that Allah had enjoined Muslims to fight in selfdefence, the Prophet ﷺ moulded the formerly oppressed, meek community into a military organisation that would fight to survive and would no longer tolerate the depredations of every tribe that decided to prey on them.

Archery and horsemanship were held out as activities to excel in. The Prophet ﷺ organised the Muslims into cavalry units called Saraya. Sometimes he would accompany these squadrons, and the expeditions he took part in were called Ghazawat.

The cavalry units undertook four main tasks.

Primarily they were to protect the outskirts of Madinah and to gather intelligence about any suspicious activities.

Secondly, they worked to intercept Makkan trade caravans passing through the area. Many Muslims had been forced to leave their wealth behind in Makkah when they migrated to Madinah; therefore, Muslims were allowed to retaliate by raiding caravans financed by the Quraysh.

Thirdly, it was the responsibility of these cavalry units to make covenants with other tribes outside Madinah. The Prophet ﷺ saw the need to develop good relationships with these tribes so that they would not ally with the Quraysh.

Lastly, the units were entrusted with the task of spreading the message of Islam throughout Arabia.

What was the first Sariyya we will know that next time in shaa Allah

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2021-09-08 22:00:44
38 views19:00
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