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What color is the snow? It’s spring time in the Northern hemi | Ask Me

What color is the snow?

It’s spring time in the Northern hemisphere and fall in the Southern, but in some parts of our planet one can still, already, and even always find snow.

Dreaming of Christmas, one's mind usually comes up with pictures of the white color of snow.

But this vision isn’t strictly accurate as snow is in fact translucent.

It’s the reflection of light that makes it appear white. Many planes of snowflakes scatter the light in many directions, diffusing the entire colour spectrum.

Snow can also demonstrate a wide variety of spectacular hues. Dust, pollution or cryophilic (cold-loving) fresh-water algae can colour it black, orange or blue.

Pink or “watermelon snow”, caused by algae containing astaxanthin, a chemical similar to the one found in carrots, was mentioned in the early writings of Aristotle.
