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According to Arizona Law. If members of the legislature file | Audit Watch Retired

According to Arizona Law.

If members of the legislature file a report to the AG's office, he or she must investigate by law.

SB 1487 states that, "At the request of one or more members of the Legislature, the state's attorney general shall investigate any ordinance, regulation, order or other official action adopted or taken by the governing body of a county, city or town that the member alleges violates state law or the Arizona constitution."

The AG has 30 days to finish this investigation and conclude whether or not Maricopa county is violating state law. If he does... then

If Maricooa county doesn't comply with the Subpoenas within 30 days from the conclusion then all state revenue going to the county would be withheld.

If they don't comply then the Attorney General is empowered to file a special action to the Arizona Supreme Court and the court must give this lawsuit the greatest importants according to the law. And the court must force the county to put up a bond equal to the amount withheld by the state for violating state law.

In other words this is amazing news