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The LEFT stole the election, then the RINO's SABBOTAGED the Au | Audit Watch Retired

The LEFT stole the election, then the RINO's SABBOTAGED the Audit.

Today's Congressional Oversight Committee meeting on the Maricopa County Audit proves the RINO's SOLD US OUT. The audit was just as RIGGED as the election.


The "Forensic" NOT-IT was only a "Recount" of the ballots, which added numbers to Biden's total vote count.

There was NO MENTION of any further reports expected by the Senate or Ken Bennett, including JOVAN Pulitzer's report.

The Senate sent the "FINAL REPORT" to the Arizona Attorney General Brnovich. PERIOD.

There were two RINO Board of Supervisors calling themselves Republicans testifying against the audit.

President Trump and his supporters are responsible for perpetuating "The Big Lie" and threatening the MCBOS.

Doug Logan had a conflict of interest, which should have disqualified him from receiving the contract to conduct the audit.

Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Byrne all raised money for the Maricopa County Audit, all of whom met with President Trump on December 20, 2020 in the White House.


This was never about figuring out how they cheated.

This was never about getting the real numbers so we know WHO actually won this election.

This was never about OUR VOTE.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON who claimed to be "Releasing the Kracken", providing "ABSOLUTE PROOF" or claiming they have seen overwhelming evidence of voter fraud have been LYING TO US.

This was just a SHOW, a CON JOB, a HOAX, pulled off by a bunch of RINOs, Libertarians, and Never Trumper's.

It was all bullshit. All lies.

These people are frauds and traitors to our country.

Stop being sheep.

I know this is a bitter pill to swallow. Don't take my word for it. Go look at who gave us fake hopium, lied to us, asked for donations, and still continue to string us along today.

I've always been honest with you even when it not what you want to here. I understand most people will NOT want to hear we've been played, but we have.

That said, I need everyone who is still asleep to wake up and unplug yourselves from the Matrix ASAP!