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SUICIDES AND THE DESTRUCTION OF AUSTRALIA. They’ve been keepi | Australian Sovereignty Alliance


They’ve been keeping the real impact of this so called “pandemic” hush hush in case too many people start to question why more people are dying from the “cure” than the disease.

Government overreach is killing people at a far greater speed than we’ve ever seen before. They’ve been killing people with corrupt laws, corrupt justice systems, over taxing and straight out deceit for a long time, but now more people are starting to realise they’ve been allowed more power than we should ever have allowed them, even before 2020.

In fact, more people are realising that the entire system we’ve been indoctrinated into thinking is the only way, is actually a system of corruption and oppression from the beginning.

Most people aren’t going to like hearing this, but it’s too late. What is happening is going to drive Australia into chaos and much sooner than we think.

I personally, from my small network, have received numerous messages from people who have lost or are going to lose their jobs because they either refuse to wear a mask or they refuse to become lab rats for a mass human experiment that is killing people around the world.

I’ve seen, from my small network, numerous people crying out for help, because they have lost hope. Their businesses. Their livelihoods. Their friends or family members to suicide or death from this human experiment.

The government, media and even people within the freedom movement are inciting confusion, division and are playing on people’s stress, anger and emotional trauma. It is cracking the very foundations of our country and it’s quickly turning into absolute turmoil which they will then use to call in foreign military and martial law.

I don’t say this to cause more fear. I say this because we need to face the facts and the objective truth before us and we need to rally and prepare.

I’m getting lots of messages requesting how people can hold the government or the system accountable. You can’t and at this point we are wasting time trying. This system is designed to fail us.

We have to comprehend the fact that this is the work of centuries of oppression that we’ve been indoctrinated into. Society now has a warped sense of freedom and are gladly handing over their personal responsibility and future to this corrupt system, because that is what they’ve been programmed to do. It’s what makes them feel safe.

It’s up to us now, the ones who’ve been able to see through their programming and indoctrination, to forge a new path and to secure our future. That’s what ASA is focused on, not just nationally across Australia, but internationally. Because it will take more than just one nation to stand up against global communism.


What do I do: https://www.australiansovereigntyalliance.com/post/what-do-i-do