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Humanity’s enemies are stirring race hatred into full blown wa | Australian Sovereignty Alliance

Humanity’s enemies are stirring race hatred into full blown war of the people, by the people, because people aren’t stepping back and seeing how they are being played.

Let’s talk BLM (funded by a rich white, Jewish man by the way).

George Floyd was the BLM martyr, we were all horrified when that footage went around, but no one looked at the details. The horror and drama conveniently hid the actual truth of the overall situation.

The media is a propaganda tool, designed to incite political movements that further the agenda NOT of the people, but of the elite.

George Floyd was not a good man, yet they raised him up as a hero to be honoured.

Not long before that incident, a white man was killed in the same manner - media silence.

White children were massacred this week by an anti-white, BLM activist - media silence.

Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty for bravely defending someone’s business this week - media attack because he’s white and somehow “white privilege” had something to do with him being found innocent of a crime.

Kyle was forced to defend himself against three men who pulled guns on him. He killed two and injured one, all three were white. The trial was fair and he was found not guilty of manslaughter. However, BLM activists are claiming it was unfair, because, hypothetically, if he was black he would have been found guilty, so... we should send all white people to prison, even if they are innocent, because THAT would be justice, right?

This is Marxist ideology. That white people are a disease to be wiped out. White children are being told to be ashamed because of their skin colour. That they are parasites. This is being taught in schools, creating generations of people who hate white - including those who are.

BLM is not pro black, it is simply anti white. It is not a movement in support of black, it is a political statement funded by wealthy globalist who benefit from race wars. BLM and Critical Race Theory are designed to tear nations apart from within so that globalists can sweep in and take control.

Focus on the real enemy in our midst. The media is a propaganda machine designed to psychologically manipulate your worldview.