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Explaining features of chronic pancreatitis PAIN: it results | International surgical boards

Explaining features of chronic pancreatitis

PAIN: it results from increased intraductal pressure due to fibrotic obstruction of the ducts and irritation of peripancreatic nerves by the inflammatory process, pain is chronic slowly progressive and relentless with acute exacerbations (attacks of 'mini' acute pancreatitis) some patients find relieve of pain by drinking alcohol which is the main culprit in chronic pancreatitis.

WEIGHT LOSS: Results from avoidance of food due to postprandial pain (due to release of secretin that stimulate pancreas secretion) anorexia, malabsorption (due to loss of exocrine tissue) and insulin defeciency (due to destruction of islets).

STEATORRHEA: result from fat malabsorption due to loss of pancreatic lipase, this occur when more than 90% of pancreatic tissue is lost.

HOT WATER BOTTLE SYNDROME: some patients find relief by application of heat resulting in erythema ab igne (pigmentations). See above figure.