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Chylolymphatic mesenteric cyst This is the most common mesen | International surgical boards

Chylolymphatic mesenteric cyst

This is the most common mesenteric cyst, and it is caused by lymphatic malformation in which part of the lymphatic tissue in the mesentery fails to connect with the lymphatic system, simply it has no efferent connections.

The cyst has thin wall lined by flat endothelium, almost always single and is usually unilocular and most commonly arise in the mesenetry of the ileum, it often contain clear lymph, but may contain chyle which can be watery, or thick like a cream.

Chylolymphatic cysts has their own independant blood supply, they DO NOT share the blood supply with the adjacent intestinal loop so they can be enucleated without resection of the associated loop of intestine.

Fig above shows a giant chylolymphatic cyst.