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Embryology of the Colon, rectum and anus The primitive gut d | International surgical boards

Embryology of the Colon, rectum and anus

The primitive gut develops at about the 4th week of gestation from the endoderm

The primitive gut is divided into the foregut, midgut and hindgut, both midgut and hindgut contributes to the colon, rectum and proximal anus.

At the 6th week the midgut herniates out of the abdominal cavity, and returns at the 10th week with a counterclockwise rotation of about 270 degrees around the superior mesentric artery, and give rise to the small bowel, caecum, ascending colon and proximal transverse colon.

The hindgut gives the distal transverse colon, descending colon, rectum and proximal anus, the distal anus is derived from the ectoderm and supplied by the internal pudendal artery.

The distal end of the hindgut is called the Cloaca, at the 6th week the Cloaca is divided by the Urorectal septum into the rectum dorsally and urogenital sinus ventrally (see fig above).