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She made it all up! A French teen has admitted she lied about | BASED ANON

She made it all up!

A French teen has admitted she lied about her teacher asking Muslim students to leave a classroom so he could show an irreverent picture of the Prophet Mohammed — a lie that led to the instructor’s beheading by an Islamic terrorist 10 days later.

In between her lie and the horrific murder was a social media campaign waged by the girl’s father, Brahim Chnina, 48, who flew into a rage at his daughter’s account, posting two videos. That, as The Guardian reported, caught the eye of Abdullakh Anzorov, 18, “a radicalized Chechen migrant living in Normandy and scouring the internet for a cause,” as The Guardian described him.

Ten days later, history teacher Samuel Paty was decapitated, leaving behind a devastated family, including a 5-year-old son.