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Middle East Eye | New app Clubhouse becomes free speech haven | Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives

Middle East Eye | New app Clubhouse becomes free speech haven in Turkey amid Bogazici protests | 9-02-21
— "When Turkish police surrounded Bogazici University earlier this month, it issued a warning. Remove the blockade on the rector’s office or face arrest. It looked like the end was near - yet people all over the country had their eyes peeled on the demonstrations, looking for more information than traditional media could give them.

That's when Clubhouse came in.

Students have been protesting for around a month against the appointment of ruling party loyalist Melih Bulu as rector by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calling it undemocratic, since Bulu is the first rector to be appointed from outside a university since a military coup in 1980.

While protesters have used YouTube, Twitter and other social media platforms, they have also begun using something novel to disseminate their messages: new audio-only social media app Clubhouse.

In less than an hour, a chat group consisting of 5,000 people gathered and started to transmit live information from the ground. Those listening could hear in real-time about the police raid and arrests."