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Yes, this post is now LARP. An interesting point that can be | Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives

Yes, this post is now LARP.

An interesting point that can be easily imagined in Spain, after the upcoming constitutional crisis, in the coming months is something that is already seen in countries like the Chile, USA, Belarus and France:
— Riots as Low intensity insurgency tactics.

Usually when you hear the term "insurgency" you usually associate it with a group of ragged guerrillas carrying AKs, Balaclavas and some machine guns on some mountain or desert in the Middle East or Eastern Europe, right?

However, look at the situation in countries like the USA, Chile and France, which are currently affected by 3 conditions:
— Intense clashes and violent protests almost every day/week
— Massive disinformation campaigns in support of rioters and their narrative by certain Medias
— And above all, solidarity networks, internationally financing and supporting the causes of such groups.

Wouldn't, then, such people be... Insurgents, although urban and less lethal?