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Spaciousness Sometimes it might feel that nothing is happenin | BE School CHANNEL


Sometimes it might feel that nothing is happening. I've been there, it feels like being stuck, like something needs to be done urgently, now, as soon as possible to start the merry-go-round rolling again.

But are you sure it is actually necessary? Are you sure you need that rollercoaster you are used to, to go to the next level? Chances are it's not what you truly desire, as in that case you would not be reading this post.

Sometimes it is necessary to slow down and to be still to actually tap into that unknown you were dreaming of. The answers are often between the thoughts, in that space of stillness, in that space of nothingness, in that space of connection to the source.

Are you connected? Do you listen to your intuition well enough? Do you trust your heart or listen to your logic only?

As long as you open yourself to the unknown new opportunities will start knocking on your door, as long as you create a safe space for self-expression, you can allow yourself to be seen.

There is no need to shout about your talents or to chase those clients. It is much more valuable when you make yourself available and allow the right people and circumstances to be attracted to your aura.

And when I say "make yourself available" I mean speak your truth, do not pretend to be someone you are not. Right people will be brought to your aura energetically whenever the moment is right. Dream big, let your voice be heard.