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  CONSCIENCE 4!      A Daily Devotional for March 16, 2021 R | Beza International Church


A Daily Devotional for March 16, 2021

Read 1Tim.1:19

Conscience studies are important because they are foundational. The Greek word for conscience is syneídēsis. It comes from two words: sýn, which means "together with" and eídō, which means "to know, see."[i] In other words, conscience is a joint-knowing. I found this to be powerful, particularly in light of what the blood means to the believer. Joint-knowing is more than just knowing in that it suggests an agreement; a conviction. A failure here affects every other aspect of our lives. In our text Paul likens a failed conscience to a shipwrecked faith.
A shipwreck occurs when the ship’s structure is compromised causing it to take on water. When this happens, everyone and everything the ship is in danger. So too with a failed conscience. A failed conscience means that we, and everything that we are carrying is in danger. Shipwreck is the result of a crack on the outside. A defiled conscience is the result of a crack on the inside.
Man-made religion is an experiment in futility in that it is largely rooted in an attempt to address a failed conscience externally. Colossians 2:23 says, “Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.” The next verse is a new chapter, but it addresses the issues of the previous verse: “Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above…” We often say that Jesus is about relationship and not religion. This is true, but there can be no relationship with Jesus without healed conscience. This is precisely why God provided the blood of Jesus, which provides with forgiveness of sin, and a cleansed conscience. (Heb.9:13-14; 10:19) Applied by faith, the blood heals our conscience, which prevents shipwreck. No cracks! Everyone and everything on board is preserved.

Life Application
Take some time to set your mind on things above, where you have been raised with Christ. Proclaim the victory that is yours through the blood of Jesus.

Father, thank you for all you have done for me. I set my mind today.