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 SAMARIA A Devotional for June 3, 2022 Read Acts 1:8 Jesus t | Beza International Church


A Devotional for June 3, 2022
Read Acts 1:8

Jesus told His disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. The third region on the list was Samaria. This presents us with an interesting case study. 

In 1st century Palestine, Jewish-Samaritan relations represented one of the key battle grounds of ethnic and religious tension. Boundary lines had been established, and everyone knew the protocol. As all of Jesus’ disciples were Jewish, these words would have surely raised eyebrows. Samaria? Really? Yes, Samaria.

As we reflect on the significance of Samaria for the disciples, we must also understand the significance of Samaria for each one of us. Everyone has a Samaria. Samaria is institutionalized offense. Samaria represents those of a different culture, tribe, color, political affiliation, denomination, doctrine, and history. Fully knowing this, Jesus intentionally includes Samaria on the list. Not only that, but our text would indicate that we cannot go to the uttermost parts of the world if we have not first gone to Samaria.

Like the disciples, many of us fall into the category of loving Jesus, and hating Samaria. Jesus would suggest that to truly love Him, is to truly love Samaria. What is your Samaria? How have you engaged with your Samaria? Do you have a strategy for Samaria? 

To begin with, it always helps to start with God’s love for us. Remember that we were a Samaria for Him, yet He found a way. (2Sam.14:14) Secondly, 2Corinthians 5:18 would teach us  about ministry of reconciliation—that it is not only God’s ministry to us, but it is also the ministry we have been given.

When asked, “Who is my neighbor?”, Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37) To His hearers, “good” and “Samaritan” were two incompatible words. Jesus was not only sharing a parable about doing good. He was reframing what Samaria meant for them, and for all of us.

Life Application
Identify your Samaria and find a way.

Father, open my eyes to see all people not as my culture and society has raised me to see them, but as you see them. Teach me how to go to Samaria. Amen.

If you have any prayer requests, please write to us on @bezaconnect.