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#WRITING #IELTSMythBusting Myth: You need to improve your w | IELTS Nerds


Myth: You need to improve your writing speed in order to complete both tasks.

Bust: While aforementioned statement is reasonable, it is largley incorrect. In fact, what you really need to do is be wary of your spelling and words that you want to put in your essay. Most candidates 'half-learn' new words, neglecting idiosyncracies that a word entails. For instance, I sometimes encounter a student using 'struggle' in an essay to mean 'try'. If you look at examples and actual definition, they are not quite similar. So SO PAY ATTENTION to words. Do not 'half-learn' them. For instance, recently one of my students B.E. received 7.0 in her writing without being able to write more than around 5 sentences in Task 1. There, you can draw your own conjecture !

illustration by: Facebook / LanguageNerds