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We are a nation under God. Not under Trump or career politicia | Team Blandford 4 America

We are a nation under God. Not under Trump or career politicians or corporate America. We are certainly not a Communist country. We are a FREE people living in a FREE country. We The People must remember who we are in order to be who we want to be in the future.

We must return to our faith in God. We must trust God to fight out battles for us. We must share His Word and plant seeds with our fellow citizens.

The outcome of our fight for freedom has already been determined. It was planned before God created the world.

God just wants to see His children do His will one day at a time. Search for God’s will, find it, and fight for it. God loves Truth. God wants us to be free. God wants us to talk with Him, love Him, and praise Him for the victory of which He assures us He has already won for us.

Never let anyone deprive you of or threaten your right to exercise your religious faith or the exercise of it.

It is time for We The People to stop being a people of preferences and to once again be a people of principles.

Ours is a government of the People, by the People, and for the People. Ours is a government under God.

It is time for We The People to take our government back.

This is America. Tyranny will not prevail over freedom. Not in America.

Fight Back.
Strike Back.
Keep Fighting.

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