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Look folks these people are vile. WE WILL EXPOSE THE ELECTION | Team Blandford 4 America

Look folks these people are vile. WE WILL EXPOSE THE ELECTION RIGGING PROCESS. Let these lizards know everyday. This folks is the FRONT LINE. RINO Republicans fighting a rear guard action for the communist. They are completely exposed.

Now. What to do? We keep informing the public. We had a great presentation in Charleston. Another one coming up next weekend. Keep refining, keep bringing data together. Keep laser focused on 2020.

We cannot and will not repeat 2020 again. The Vietcong have SUCCESSFULLY executed a color revolution. We are ALREADY occupied by the Communist with the help of Americans. This is real this is happening. Wake up. No matter what the Communist press says with their twisted Google and Wikipedia. The containment policy existed for a reason. Over 100 million died, so far, for communism. We must stop them here or we are the next Australia.

There is no God, only Stalin. That’s the saying. This isn’t Democrats versus Republicans. It’s good versus evil. It’s a spiritual war, the Godly versus the Godless. The people versus the uniparty.

Start by telling everyone you know the RINOs are the front line. These barbarians care only for themselves and their pay offs. Learn their chain of command and process. We will expose these wretched animals to the world.