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I love Virginia with all my heart. SC folks don’t realize VA | Team Blandford 4 America

I love Virginia with all my heart. SC folks don’t realize VA is a strong Southern State rich in history. It has been hard to watch these communists animals rip down our History, not just Confederate, but Union and Revolutionary. They do not want people to understand the War Between the States. Centralized power versus Local Governance. They want it erased, forgotten. Why? Because they are doing it again. Right now. They want to provoke a war again. They are desperate and violence is the commies / cabals only path forward. Provoke, provoke, provoke. Do not fall for it. Read about Gandhi. Peaceful noncompliance.

OR get those losers to start something (that is my personal favorite). They would have a tough time hiding with their man buns. We would see there little girls buns sticking up when they are hiding. Their skinny jeans may make it a tad bit difficult to run. And they would think that everyone gets a trophy when it all kicked off. At least there plastic black “shields” with the commie symbol on it would help us carry all their stuff when they drop everything and run. Good times.

General Robert E. Lee, truly one of the best Generals of all times, does not need to be in the cesspool of Richmond. I am relieved he is not there. We all must become stewards of our own history right now. Hold and protect what you can. Just like the Soviet Union, nothing these commie barbarians are doing is permanent. We will be pulling down their garbage and restoring things to their proper place on the other side of this.