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Sowing and Reaping It is interesting to me how many believers | Blaze Movement

Sowing and Reaping

It is interesting to me how many believers have chosen to ignore the most powerful spiritual law at work in the world, and even declare that grace frees them from the spiritual law. It is as if someone would say that since they believe in grace, they are no longer subject to the law of gravity. They are no longer subject to day and night, heat and cold, summer and winter, or consequences for their actions.

Sowing and reaping is THE spiritual law that governs all things spiritual and natural. Redemption is based upon the law of sowing and reaping. Jesus, Himself is the seed that was sown and died that we might have life. We are the harvest!

Why would anyone think that the law of sowing and reaping disappeared once redemption was complete? Is it not at work around us every day? Don’t farmers continue to sow seed and reap a crop? Don’t our words and actions continue to have consequences (both good and bad)? Are we not told by Jesus that as we measure so shall it be measured to us? Doesn’t Paul say that whatsoever we sow we shall reap?

Sowing and reaping has been classified by some as a ‘work,’ and therefore to be avoided, ignored or denied. Good luck with that! The very teachers who say such things are themselves reaping material blessings for their spiritual ministry. They live according to the principle of sowing and reaping, and teach against it! Such hypocrisy is mind boggling.

Others teach that sowing is a sign of fear. We need not sow because God will care for us like He cares for the birds. Yes, God cares for the birds but He doesn’t throw their food into the nest! Birds must spend every day in a continual search for that which God has provided. They sow time and energy in order to reap another day of life.

We sow our time and talent in a job and reap a paycheck. We expect a paycheck. How many would work to be paid only as the employer felt ‘led?’ We expect a definite harvest for our 40 hours of investment.

Those who sowed into Paul’s ministry were congratulated for participating with him in ‘giving and receiving’ and were told that God was well pleased with their sacrifice. As a result, He would supply their need. (Phil. 4:15-19)

Sowing and reaping is very much alive in the world of the Spirit and in the natural world.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. (Gal. 6:7)

- source @ Barry Barnet