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You're Invited Part of 12/25 n connect with anyone if you app | Blinkist Summary Book

You're Invited
Part of 12/25

n connect with anyone if you approach them with empathy and consideration. But you need to understand the unique social pressures that different groups of people face – and then develop tailor-made invitations that contribute to their lives. 
The key message here is: You can connect with anyone if you learn to put yourself in their shoes.
Global influencers like Oprah are so strapped for time that it’s fruitless to reach out to them directly. It’s much better to build relationships with people in their orbit – like friends or personal assistants – and then ask for an introduction from someone they trust. 
Industry leaders are more approachable but they’re also extremely busy. You have to make sure that you offer them an opportunity to participate in an event with real value. 
TED Conferences are so popular with industry leaders because they offer just that. They’re generous in that they provide valuable chances for exposure and learning. They’re novel compared to stodgy traditional